How many of us have done the back-and-forth love dance? No, not that dance. The love dance where you fall in love, get powerfully connected, then one of you emotionally pulls back a bit, so then the other pursues a bit, then the one backing away backs away even more, and then the pursuer pursues even more…you know the rest. Usually doesn’t end pretty.
In the hit movie, Trainwreck, Amy Schumer’s character, also named Amy, shows us in the first half of the show how our childhood wounds can express themselves in our adult lives. Given the monogamy-is-unrealistic motto firmly planted in Amy’s young mind by her dad, she lives out that approach in adulthood, hooking up with lots of men and drinking to quiet any pain.
Death of a loved one is hardship. In the hit movie, Trainwreck, Amy Schumer’s character, also named Amy, struggles to connect deeply with others, grieves her father’s death, and begins a healing journey. Let’s take a look at all three aspects of the film, and life.
Endorsed by two New York Times bestselling authors.”